Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool

Target set to "Zero"
Target set to "Zero".

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool Co., Ltd. had long been expanding business as the Machine Tool Division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. until it was established in October 2015 when it was consolidated with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool Sales Co., Ltd.

The company was established with the philosophy of leading the world with monozukuri machining processes to bring innovation to customer production, and operates in a global niche field of technology and products based on the comprehensive technical capabilities that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has developed throughout its long history.

Each and every employee works diligently under the motto “the customer and quality come first,” and we feel that customers are gradually recognizing this level of commitment.

We supply monozukuri solutions by carefully examining a broad range of problems or issues throughout the manufacturing sector, including distinct machining processes, improving productivity, automation and increased efficiency when it comes to gear machine systems, precision cutting tools, large machine-special purpose machines and nanofabrication systems.

Coordination with customers is key to solving the problem issues that they are currently facing. We then devise solutions and come up with equipment plans, before moving to the design and fabrication stage. After installation at customer plants is completed, we then complete the commissioning process and provide the appropriate instructions to operate the equipment.

We work with customers to develop solutions for all types of products – this is the approach taken for monozukuri solutions at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool Co., Ltd.

To ensure that we provide the utmost level of support at customer manufacturing sites we provide a selection of different services that are catered to customers: “Reassured Support” so customers can use equipment smoothly; “Production Support” to ensure production progresses as planned, and “Quick Support” if an emergency situation arises. We also provide machining consultations, trial cutting services and operational training to better meet customer requirements.

A high priority is placed on employee training to make such a broad range of services available. In addition to providing guidance for advanced engineers and technicians required for monozukuri with exceptional quality, we take a customer-first approach by training employees with a high standard who remain committed throughout the entire process until an issue is resolved.

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